Have a Slicing Good Time

Our friend Jan recently received the 3-in-1 Spiral Slicer and immediately tore into the

Photo: Jan Working the SLicer

More Oodles of Noodles

package to put it to good use. She sent photos of the results and shared her directions.

I steamed 2 BIG tomatoes with onions and garlic and served it over the squash. One yellow and one green squash was enough for 3 big eaters. Although I wanted more-more-more I had plenty. Also I sprinkled about a teaspoon of Romano cheese on it for Tom.

Photo:Zucchini/Squash Noodle Plate

What’s for Dinner

The 3-in-1 Spiral Slicer turns any firm vegetable into small or medium noodles that stretch attractively across the plate. The same device turns out curly slices for decorating any dish. Or, you can turn those thin slices into chips for the dehydrator. And, all the while you’re getting the highest level of nutrition you can slice out of the veggies. It’s fun too!


Want one, or want more info? E-mail veggie1@eatdrinkandgoveggie.com. See it here. When you order, please use the referral code G Q O.

About veggie1

Steve and Freda made the transition from the SAD (Standard American Diet) over a period of time, becoming more convinced of the health available through a different lifestyle. We're glad we did. Natives to the Western North Carolina mountains, we claim to be hillbilly vegans. Imagine that. We are parents of two and grandparents of six. We look to Jesus as Lord, Savior, and friend