Childhood Obesity : A Primer for Parents

Some topics need more attention than others. Obesity at any age can easily be overcome with better food choices. We can help with information and resources. If you’re already into weight loss of one sort or another, let us know.  If you are in the “fat prison” that many of us have experienced, we want to encourage you. Just ask. More importantly, the influences that put our kids at risk need to be dealt with. Give us your suggestion. Tell us how we can help further with your circumstances and your own effort.

To set the groundwork, please read the attached article, Childhood Obesity: A Primer for Parents. We do not endorse any particular diet other than the Hallelujah Lifestyle we have chosen, but you may approach your own health differently. Still, we can pull together and find ways to insist that our children get a better chance at health than what many have already become accustomed to. Leave a reply or message us with your ideas. We’re eager to hear from you.