Think Nutrition for Today

Photo: Kitchen w Recipe Book

Does Your Recipe Contain Nutrition?

You have a new recipe you want to try. Check the recipe’s list of ingredients. Compare the list with what your body needs: vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, chlorophyll, flavonoids, trace elements, antioxidants, and live enzymes. What? You don’t see them listed in the recipe? They must be hiding somewhere!

When it comes to food, we think flavor, not nutritive value, that is, unless we retrain the brain. So, here’s lesson #1.

The Hallelujah Diet brings you into the realm of plant-based food that provides the nutrition your body needs to not just survive, but thrive. Juicing veggies offers concentrated nutrition. In the case of the Recovery Diet for someone who needs to overcome a disease, juicing three times each day floods the tissues with healing power from the correct nutrients. Living enzymes unlock the power of assimilation through the digestive process and directly to the cells.

When fresh vegetables are fed through a juicer, the machine separates the pulp (fiber) from the juice, which concentrates all of the veggies’ nutrients into an easily digestible juice. This means that juice can deliver much more nutrition to your cells much more quickly, requiring less energy and time than digesting whole food.

Photo: Gears

The Green Star Elite Twin Gears

Heat and oxygen begin to kill off live enzymes quickly. Many juicers create heat because of friction in the process. In order to preserve as much nutrition as possible, we recommend a masticating juicer like the Green Star Elite, or one of its little brothers, with the Champion Juicer as a close second. Auguring the veggies produces more juice and preserves the enzymes, giving your cells what they need when you drink the fresh juice.

Juicing provides the best source of high quality, usable nutrition for your body, and the combinations of veggie juices taste great! Fresh juice packs the power of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, chlorophyll, flavonoids, trace elements, antioxidants, and live enzymes into your glass. Juicing helps your body revitalize weakened organs with new healthier cells, which we know to be recovery and healing as well as disease prevention.

Photo: Green Star Juicer

Order Your Green Star Elite Juicer Now

Let the juice flow! Get started today.

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Choose the ingredients for your daily juice for nutrition and flavor.Plan your juice with 2/3 carrots to 1/3 mixed vegetables. For 4 to 8 ounces of juice use 4 to 6 medium carrots per person. We buy organic carrots in bulk, branded “BunnyLove” or “Cal-Organic,” both from a trusted source. You may have a local source that would be even better for fresh organic carrots. To the carrots, add a variety of veggies. Some of the staples we use include

  • celery,
  • beets,
  • fennel,
  • cucumber,
  • leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, and others),
  • and a fair amount of the cruciferous veggies, broccoli and cauliflower.

About veggie1

Steve and Freda made the transition from the SAD (Standard American Diet) over a period of time, becoming more convinced of the health available through a different lifestyle. We're glad we did. Natives to the Western North Carolina mountains, we claim to be hillbilly vegans. Imagine that. We are parents of two and grandparents of six. We look to Jesus as Lord, Savior, and friend