Illustration: SnacksSome parties swing in a wild direction, but one for an elderly aunt turning 91 may be predictably subdued. This one was. The snacks and cake looked delicious, and the veggie tray proved adequate. But, the word circulated to the hostess that “The Vegetarians” showed up. She apologized for not having appropriate food for us. We assured her that we wouldn’t starve and that the veggies were snack enough for us to make it through.

So what do people think? Is being vegetarian so strange? For those who commit to a more natural lifestyle, do you feel discriminated against when you visit friends and family? Are you made to feel like a lunatic and the black sheep of the family?

For those who have yet to understand the value of eating natural food instead of manufactured mixtures, let’s ask you as well. Do you think the veggie crowd has gone radical and borders on being nuts? Does it throw you into a quandary when a VegHead shows up for lunch or dinner?

What shall we do with this discussion? We’d like to hear from you. What experiences have you had with a vegetarian? What experiences have you had as a vegetarian or as a flexitarian (this is someone who eats natural and organic, but does more than just fruits and veggies). What do you think?

Reply here or pop a comment on to the Facebook Page (www.facebook,com/eatdrinkandgoveggie). Let us in on your side to the story.

About veggie1

Steve and Freda made the transition from the SAD (Standard American Diet) over a period of time, becoming more convinced of the health available through a different lifestyle. We're glad we did. Natives to the Western North Carolina mountains, we claim to be hillbilly vegans. Imagine that. We are parents of two and grandparents of six. We look to Jesus as Lord, Savior, and friend