How much sugar is too much?

Photo: Teaspoons of sugar

No matter the color, sugar kills!

How much sugar is too much? On average, Americans consume 172 pounds of refined sugar each year, killing each one’s immune system one swallow at a time.You say you want to be healthy. Is your “want to” strong enough to break your sweet tooth syndrome to regain health?

Our recommendations:

Eliminate it: Sugarholics suffer an addiction just as serious as any other. Decide to quit cold turkey, if you can stand it. Your body will fight you in an epic battle, but the freedom is worth it. If you can’t kick it all, begin to eliminate the worst foods first, like soft drinks that contain 14 to 18 teaspoons of refined sugar.

Photo: Bees on the Hive

Use Raw Honey as a Natural Sweetener

Substitute for it: Buy locally grown, raw honey from a beekeeper. If the keeper sells honey commercially, it must be processed. It’s still good, but raw is better. Honey can be substituted for most uses requiring a sweet touch. Other natural sweeteners include agave syrup, maple syrup, stevia leaves or powder (10 times more sweetening than sugar without side effects for most people), dried dates, and other fresh or dried fruits.

Beware the manufactured substitutes on the market that sit on restaurant tables in little packets. Call these artificial sweeteners poison in disguise. Some have proved to be even worse at causing disease than the sugar you’re trying to eliminate. Wipe them from your life as well.

How much sugar is too much? Any amount of refined sugar will cause damage within your system at the cellular level. Of course, this means ANY refined sugar is too much. Read more about the harm sugar causes here and here. You may recognize some of the symptoms. Now’s the time to kick the habit.

You can do this. Your body will react with initial shock and you may experience short-term discomfort; however, your appetite will improve and you will feel your body enjoy the difference as your blood system begins to stabilize.

If you need an accountability partner to give your change stickability, ask your coach at Eat, Drink, and Go Veggie. We’ll encourage you through it. Just email us. More than anything else, we want you to be well!