Does God Fix Broken Things?

God started something in the Garden of Eden. We broke it. We still destroy His original plan for us as individuals by being so independently self-determined. God decided early on that a fix would be needed for us to know Him the way He wants to be known. The fix is in. He’s already done it. God fixes broken things in our lives.

Photo: Nativity

This is the God Story.
Merry Christmas!

Scripture tells the history. A faithful young maiden became the vessel to deliver God into the world He created. It seems unbelievable, but He came among us to spend a few years revealing Himself, His nature, and His ultimate plan for all of us. At His direction, she named this God-in-Person Jesus.

In a short lifetime, Jesus opened the way for all people of all time to enjoy God’s fix for what broke. If you feel it’s still broken, then the message of Christmas is for you. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life you’re looking for.

Simply let Jesus be your agenda and let everything else you do flow from that foundation. It may be the hardest easy thing you’ve ever done. Or, it may the easiest hard thing you’ve ever done. Those of us who know and enjoy God’s grace in our lives tell you plainly, it’s worth it.

If this is new to you, please see the Four Spiritual Laws here. If you take this step or have something we can pray about, please email us now.

Embrace the message of Christmas this year as never before. That’s why we say, “Merry Christmas!”

Be well!