How to Beat the Flu Bug May Surprise You

How to Beat the Flu Big May Surprise You

What’s bugging you may not be the flu, and even if it is, the cure may be worse than the flu. Read more…

How to Beat the Flu Bug May Surprise You. If you watch TV, read billboards, or encounter any other advertising medium, including each social media platform, you know we’re in the worst flu season ever. Well, maybe, but we doubt it. Unfortunately, too many believe the message and much of what we hear turns out to be pure hype! What you don’t know about the flu can be dangerous to you and your family!

These three articles will show you how to beat the flu bug, or what’s worse, the hype about the flu.

When have you experienced the murky practice of diagnosing and prescribing for a bug? How did that work for you?

If you need more suggestions, just ask.

Be well!


About veggie1

Steve and Freda made the transition from the SAD (Standard American Diet) over a period of time, becoming more convinced of the health available through a different lifestyle. We're glad we did. Natives to the Western North Carolina mountains, we claim to be hillbilly vegans. Imagine that. We are parents of two and grandparents of six. We look to Jesus as Lord, Savior, and friend