Kick the Caffeine Monkey

Kick the Caffeine Monkey—no, this is not animal cruelty

Portrait of a Coffee Drinker Kicking the Caffeine Monkey

Portrait of a Coffee Drinker Kicking the Caffeine Monkey

Thanks for your loyalty, veggie fans! Thanks for being a part of a group that encourages change for a change. Today, here’s what a friend of mine says, “…at our age, (not that we’re old or anything) coffee raises cortisol, which is a hormone that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to lose fat, especially belly fat. I’ve never been one to have belly fat until now! So no more coffee for me!!!!!”

Kicking caffeine can prove to be difficult. When I did it, every joint in my body hurt, like it might explode. So, we’re encouraging our friend to hang in there for the first 3 days. After that, the withdrawal tends to subside, whether the craving goes away or not.

What has been your experience? Have you successfully kicked the caffeine monkey? Tell us about it in a comment below or on the Facebook Page. And, please, like the page while you’re visiting. 

Be well!

About veggie1

Steve and Freda made the transition from the SAD (Standard American Diet) over a period of time, becoming more convinced of the health available through a different lifestyle. We're glad we did. Natives to the Western North Carolina mountains, we claim to be hillbilly vegans. Imagine that. We are parents of two and grandparents of six. We look to Jesus as Lord, Savior, and friend