AMA Endorses Disease Status for Obesity

Meeting in Chicago recently, representatives and policy makers for the American Medical Association passed a resolution classifying obesity as a condition of disease. Tell me it’s not about the money. MC900438743This opens the door for insurance companies to support more bariatric surgeries and other interventions for the overweight amongst us. And, it’s probably a good thing. We shall see.

Though AMA policy has no force of law, the legislative mechanism in Washington follows the influence of the group closely. We can expect new laws and regulations to follow quickly. You can read Bruce Japsen’s report here in the NY Times.

We recently had a few days away on holiday, which means we were out in the public more than usual, and when people parade on the sandy beaches, they reveal body styles more than we normally see. My judgment results in the conclusion that we are an obese society for sure. I know, because I was one of them.

My choice, rather than running to a doctor who wanted to put me on a cholesterol-Pair of Human Hands Checking the Blood Pressure of a Patientreducing pill, was to take more responsibility for my own health. Adopting a nutritarian lifestyle resulted in a weight loss of fifty pounds, better blood pressure, and improvements in other markers as well. And, it feels good.

So, using the AMA’s guideline means I had one more disease—I was too fat. That’s why we invite you to hang with us on the journey to better health. If we can, you can too. We believe God created a miraculous self-healing body. Learning to cooperate with His plan and putting it into practice will be much better than relying on insurance reimbursements for medical help we probably won’t need. So far, so good.


Why Blood Sugar Matters for Weight Loss

Blood sugar levels certainly matter, but not just for weight loss.

Dr Brooke Kalanick, ND, MS, LAc is a naturopathic doctor with a guest post on the Live Strong blog.

We would add to what she says. Photo: StrawberryBlood Sugar Matters to Your Health, because it’s about more than weight control. Balancing blood sugar comes easier than you might think. The tips that Dr. Kalanick suggests are spot on with improving your lifestyle and health—as well as succeeding in weight control.

Read more:


Handle the In-Between Hungries

A shot of BarleyMax starts the day. We also try to have a few ounces of water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon each morning. Soon after, we drink 4, to 8, to 12 ounces of home-squeezed multi-veggie juice from either the Green Star or Breville juicer. We pack in as much nutrition as we can with the best opportunity to refresh our system and body cells with the enzymes and amino acids they thrive on.

And then, the “hungries” come to get us. When you reach the mid-morning or mid-afternoon and you want something, what do you reach for? Most of us are accustomed to snacks with high fat counts, loads of sugar, and almost all empty calories. (The empty ones are the ones that get stored as fats in our system, and where do you think they show up?) Here’s a better idea:

Ad Photo: Hallelujah Acres Survival Bars

Some people call it a meal replacement bar, others think it’s a snack bar. You call it what you will, but they’re good and they give you the pick-me-up you’re looking for without harmful ingredients. We like to buy them in the 12-pack variety box. It’s a good way to sample them and find a favorite flavor. We like most of them really well and the others are better than just OK. Leave us a comment on what you think when you try one.

“>Photo: SurvivalBarsView the video. Click Here.

Have a Slicing Good Time

Our friend Jan recently received the 3-in-1 Spiral Slicer and immediately tore into the

Photo: Jan Working the SLicer

More Oodles of Noodles

package to put it to good use. She sent photos of the results and shared her directions.

I steamed 2 BIG tomatoes with onions and garlic and served it over the squash. One yellow and one green squash was enough for 3 big eaters. Although I wanted more-more-more I had plenty. Also I sprinkled about a teaspoon of Romano cheese on it for Tom.

Photo:Zucchini/Squash Noodle Plate

What’s for Dinner

The 3-in-1 Spiral Slicer turns any firm vegetable into small or medium noodles that stretch attractively across the plate. The same device turns out curly slices for decorating any dish. Or, you can turn those thin slices into chips for the dehydrator. And, all the while you’re getting the highest level of nutrition you can slice out of the veggies. It’s fun too!


Want one, or want more info? E-mail See it here. When you order, please use the referral code G Q O.

What if Vaccines Include Toxins?

Rev. George Malkmus, Hallelujah Acres Founder, sends a regular Hallelujah Health Tip. Always interesting and frequently challenging, we find it to be another of the ways we go looking for health in all the right places.

Logo: Hallelujah Health Tip

This time out, the topic for your consideration should get you thinking,

Illustration: VaccinationsToxins In Vaccines — Is There Cause For Concern?

He says, “Many vaccines contain mercury, aluminum and other toxins…”Read More